Field status variant and field status groups
Field status variant
Field status variant is collection of field status groups. Field status variant is needed for defining the field for which the input like profit center, cost center, value date, text, quantity etc. in which we have required, suppress and optional field. Field status variants is a tool to assign the same set of properties to more than one object. At the time of posting, we have around 75 fields for any posting, we have minimum one debit and one credit. It is a little bit difficult and also time consuming to update all the fields and post documents. So that SAP has provided us the option to make the fields as required, suppress and optional.
Field status groups
Field status groups are maintained in the general ledger account while posting. It defines the fields as required, suppressed or optional. It manages which fields are required for entry and which fields are set to optional and suppressed. It is generally used for General Ledger masters, Customer Masters, Vendor Masters, Asset Masters and posting Keys.
While creating a general ledger masters the right field will be displayed as per the configuration settings done in field status group under field status variant.
There are 2 options for creating a field status variant:
- By creating a new one
- By copying the existing one.
But usually, it is advised to copy the existing one because these variants depend upon so many related tables. And by copying the existing one it delivers a standard variant so that we are able to use the SAP delivered table link.
Financial accounting(new) >> financial accounting global settings (new)>> ledger >>fields>>define field status variant
[T Code: OBC4]
Enter SPRO in command field * (SPRO- SAP Project Reference Object)
Select SAP Reference IMG
Financial Accounting >> Financial Accounting Global settings >> Document >>Line item >> controls>>define field status variant
Financial accounting(new) >> financial accounting global settings (new)>> ledger >>fields>>define field status variant
Select field status variant [FStV] 1000 and select copy button
Enter the new field status variant and enter field status name and press enter key
Select copy all button
We will get a message that number of dependent entries copied : 49
Press enter
Select the save button and save in TR.
Select field status variant
Double click on G001 [General (with text, allocation)]
Select group according to requirement
Now select required, optional and suppress field as per requirements and select next group button for other data
Similarly edit the remaining groups as per requirements.
Select the save button and save in TR.
Question related to:
1. What is field status variant?
Field status variant is collection of field status groups. Field status variant is needed for defining the field for which the input like profit center, cost center, value date, text, quantity etc.
Field status groups are maintained in the general ledger account while posting. It defines the fields as required, suppressed or optional.
There are 2 ways:
- By creating a new one
- By copying the existing one.
4. Difference between field status variant and field status group?
Field status variant is collections of field status group whereas Field status groups are maintained in the general ledger account while posting.
Field status variant is assigned to company code while field status group belongs to field status variant.
At the time of posting around 75 fields are available in SAP for any posting.
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